Please humbly ask for a piece of land to house abandoned dogs and cats
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Mr. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
This is important because just as people have the right to a decent life, I also believe that abandoned dogs and cats need it, and for this it is that I request to have a land where they can walk and run without being afraid of being mistreated. Where they can also count on the help of a veterinarian to keep them healthy.
Now I ask for your support in achieving this, please I beg you. This morning I noticed that a little dog was beaten, she has a swollen little eye. She is one of the dogs that I feed them and it made me very sad, so I am asking for help so that I can even help so much puppy and kitten.
Please look forward to your appreciable help, your signature.
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