Plant a forest that surrounds the entire layout of the M-30
people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Addressed to: Ministry of Development and 1 more
The M-30 or Calle-30 is a ring road that surrounds Madrid and supports such a volume of traffic that it is stuck several hours almost every day. Due to the exhaust of the engines, this often means that the air pollution rates are triggered, so it is used to slow down, although this is not a great improvement, being an insufficient measure.
If we managed to have several meters of trees on both sides of the track, CO2 levels would decrease. There are species of trees that tolerate acceptably the contamination, like the ash tree, of which there are many in Madrid. I already wrote to the City Council, but they answered that these lands belongs to the Ministry of Development, not arousing great interest in my proposal.
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