Place a crane to take the disabled inside the boats
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Cruceros Rías Baixas and 3 more
To be able to use an electronic wheelchair at the destination of the boat. For bicycles, motorcycles, heavy objects, but fundamentally for those who have to use a wheelchair. There is still and still an invisible barrier that makes even more difficult the development of our lives and those of our loved ones.
Family, friendships, and everything that exists in the city, nonexistent on the other side of the shore, in the bordering towns. Department stores, more extensive and varied trade. Hospitals, health centers, and numerous leisure activities, culture, interesting events, etc.
Just a small crane similar to the one used in the pools to introduce and pick up the disabled who are in the pool water.
The benefits for all are numerous, for some they make possible the desire and need to have activities, to attend conferences about the physical problems that we suffer. Patients with multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, heart, would be the most benefited.
A simple crane that eliminates the barrier that persists in these times.
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