No to Killing of stray animals, they feel and suffer

No to Killing of stray animals, they feel and suffer

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

No to Killing of stray animals, they feel and suffer

Addressed to: President of Peru

Good night, my petition is from the heart, for the killing of stray animals, they are not guilty of being abandoned in the streets. When God created the man and animals, were created to live as great friends, equals, God didn't create the man to become an animal killer.

It hurt the sensitivity of the people who love animals, and our children suffer to see or read things so ugly and cruel. I just want to leave a better world to my loved children.

We have to ask the Government of Peru to ban the slaughter of stray dogs, we must enact a Law throughout the country to prohibit this atrocity.

Thank you!


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Reasons for signing

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