No to deaths in shelters. Sign and write to the Government

No to deaths in shelters. Sign and write to the Government

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

No to deaths in shelters. Sign and write to the Government

Addressed to: Governor of Puerto Rico Ricky Rosselló

We have to say no to the deaths of dogs in shelters, and stop giving up pets to die of hunger and diseases on the street. No animal should be left to fend for people without feelings that do not worry about sterilizing their pets to avoid overpopulation.

In Arecibo, a couple of years ago, more than 200 dogs were slaughtered, and that is something that is repeated throughout the country. It is a problem that must be solved with health policies, and carrying out sterilization and responsible adoption campaigns, not killing thousands of dogs.

We do not want more massacres of stray dogs in the country, let's not allow this to continue happening.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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