NO to AreaDUM in Barcelona!!

NO to AreaDUM in Barcelona!!

people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

NO to AreaDUM in Barcelona!!

Addressed to: Ayuntamiento de Barcelona and 1 more

AreaDUM, an application invented by the council, or whoever, to suppress the usual watches in the areas for loading and unloading.

The application rarely functions correctly, we can't find the area, we cannot connect (messages sent by the app), professionals who parked his van in those areas lose minutes of their time trying to connect or looking for the person responsible for the surveillance of the area, which incidentally, provide no solution, the only is to send an SMS, (paid by Ms. Colau?) and if you cannot connect and you go from the parking lot to perform your job, a fine, because you cannot justify arrival time and it is useless because, in the words of a vigilante, they fined for not having the application, not by schedule. Attached to all this, the most serious issue is that they force you to have a mobile, internet connection, GPS, etc. and who pays for all that?.

Professionals join and tell the government... NOT TO AREADUM IN BARCELONA!!

The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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