No to Animal Blood Traction!

No to Animal Blood Traction!

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No to Animal Blood Traction!

Addressed to: and 4 more

I am writing to the President of the Chamber of Senators and Deputies of the Argentine Nation and to all the authorities that ensure the welfare of the fauna in general of this country, to request that the traction to equine blood that violates the Animal Protection Law 14,346 in all its aspects and also the laws that prohibit the use of cars in urban areas, the exploitation of child labor and the drunken states of many drivers of such cars, to name just some of the countless crimes that are infringed by using horse-powered carts.

These noble animals are tortured and exploited in the most cruel, sadistic and perverse ways that can be thought, which are forced to work throughout the day without any rest, without water or food and constantly receiving whipping, punching their eyes, in their bodies with all kinds of blunt objects, which seriously injure them and can even cause death due to excessive abuse.

Mares are exploited to such an extent that they are made to carry overweight even when pregnant and many give birth to their young tied to carts, and their young are forcibly removed by their hind legs, fracturing them or causing infections, bleeding and even removing the uterus out of the bestiality of wanting to get rid of the baby that "hinders" them to continue making the mother work.

Small horses, ponies are also exploited and tortured in every way, from aberrant exhibits such as attraction for "photos with tourists" to the loading of carts that double their weight and size, which they are also forced to carry by force, for means of wild and aberrant blows.

A bill has already been presented against this traction to equine traction, which has already been approved but is not yet enforced as it should be in all cities of Argentina and in all localities and municipalities.

This law must be applied and its transgression criminally punished as stipulated in the Animal Protection Law established by the Criminal Code of the Constitution.

Horses that are sentient beings, capable of having all kinds of feelings and emotions like any other animal, must stop being slaves and being used as instruments of burden, enduring all kinds of mistreatment by individuals who not only torture them, but also their own children who make them work as minors, and depriving them of compulsory education but also forming in them from early childhood, a lack of sensitivity and empathy towards the suffering of animals, whose adult training will become Future criminals, murderers and / or hopeless psychopaths in the future.

No more Animal Blood Traction in Argentina or in any other country!

May this Nation walk towards progress with a prosperous future free from all kinds of animal abuse.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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