No more rodeo. Punishment and fines for animal abuse
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: President of Chile Sebastián Piñera
Rodeo is the stupidest pastime practiced by some brainless characters. What is the grace of enclosing, scaring and mistreating a defenseless animal and enjoying the pain, are beasts. I wonder, will those inhuman children have children?
I do not want my country to deal with the animal mistreatment that the Rodeo means, so I ask you please to finish this, that the Animal Protection Law is complied with and the rodeo is finished.
I also ask for punishment and jail to abuse, do not use dogs to take care of their houses, factories, etc. Some damn people do not even have a decent house with water and food and some of them go on vacation and leave the dog to take care of their house, those people have to be punished!!!
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