No more rodeo and horse or dog racing in the Region of Nuble
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: Provincial Governments of the Region of Ñuble
Because it is an abuse towards the rights of animals and a tremendous savagery that suffer from day to day animals that are used for some people to earn money. The unnecessary suffering of these to the delight of some sick, who have not something productive to do, must be stopped. Enough of abuse to innocent creatures, animals should not suffer for the amusement of people.
In all Chile we see how the Rodeo mistreats animals and not only is not prohibited but that it is taken from the Laws. Horse and dog races where animals are often drugged, overtrained, mistreated, beaten and even killed when they do not meet the expectations of their owners, are also common currency in the Ñuble Region.
Please, I urge the authorities to prohibit animal abuse by definitively ending the rodeo and the races of horses and dogs.
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