No more chariots in Jalisco, Mexico

No more chariots in Jalisco, Mexico

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

No more chariots in Jalisco, Mexico

Addressed to: Municipal President Enrique Alfaro Ramírez

The people who own these carts pulled by horses do not take care of them, all day without water or food, besides we are in a time when it is not possible to mistreat an animal, which lives suffering heat, cold, hunger, thirst and fear. Their joints are damaged by walking on asphalt.

All the time we see them through the city, being mistreated and beaten with whips so that they move and we should not tolerate it any more. We must stop this terrible act of cowardice and animal abuse.

Say NO to Calandrias, NOT to animal abuse.


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Reasons for signing

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