No more animals locked in zoos!

No more animals locked in zoos!

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

No more animals locked in zoos!

Addressed to: Government of the City of Buenos Aires and 1 more

Freedom gave us God, nature requires and demands respect. We want a world of joy, all living in harmony, all being the great creation of God. Together we can, unite to help the animals and the environment, and let's say together "enough of mistreatment and abuses to living beings".

In Buenos Aires a few years ago they promised to close the zoo, but this has happened halfway, and there are still a lot of animals still living in distressed sanitary conditions of health while the rulers continue to decide what to do with them. We need to save the animals of the Zoo of Buenos Aires, and also to prohibit by law the zoos throughout the country.

We need to rescue the animals that have suffered for years and it seems that they have no future and unfortunately will die if we do not do something urgent!


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Reasons for signing

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