No more animal abuse, no more circuses, no more zoos in precarious conditions, save all our animals!
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Addressed to: Madam President Michelle Bachelet and 2 more
The animals are defenseless, they are the best that can exist, they do not hurt anyone, and if I could choose I would do it a thousand times our little brothers. I can not even express the greatest feeling I have towards them, they are much better than us in many ways. Many animals help people with their therapies against depression, autism, etc. They are always there for us, and hopefully and something is done so that they are finally sacred, beings that have to be respected by all of us.
To achieve a more just and dignified world for animals is that we must definitely ban zoos, circuses with animals, rodeo, horse racing, and any activity based on mistreatment of animals. To profit from the suffering of these wonderful beings must be punished by Law.
Please, gentlemen Senators, Deputies, Madam President Michelle Bachelet, prohibit all activities related to animal abuse with a National Law to protect them.
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