Move the polar bears so that they can hunt seals and not become extinct
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: United Nations and 8 more
The polar bears are dying because of the thaw, because where they were isolated they can not hunt they do not have food. They are having a slow and painful death because they can not even stand up because of the malnutrition they suffer.
Polar bears that live on the Arctic sea ice are finding it difficult to hunt enough seals to meet their high metabolic demands because of climate change.
As the Arctic warms and melts more sea ice, bears have to move at distances "much larger than before", according to biologists, which causes them to spend more energy during the summer, when they are fasting until the Ice returns in autumn.
The most recent polar bear population estimates indicate that it has decreased by approximately 40 percent over the past decade, according to data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
We urgently need to find a solution to this problem before the polar bears are extinct. Together we can make a difference and save the lives of thousands of polar bears.
Thank you.
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