More citizen security, change of laws, not inequality and injustice
people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Addressed to: Basque government and 2 more
In less than a month there have been several events that in Bilbao and Bizkaia had not happened for a long time; The assault attempt of a 22-year-old boy who was blind in one eye at the entrance to the Metro in Abando in Santo Tomás; The death by the theft of Urren in Navarra Street, the rape in a group in Barakaldo, the robberies of minors in Indautxu and now the homicide for theft in Otxarkoaga to these two elderly people. You are not safe on the street or in your own home. What do we have to do about it?
From here I ask for a change of Laws; That the penalties for robbery be hardened, whether for the crime of robbery with violence, with intimidation, and putting more hard sentences. For the rape, life imprisonment in a penitentiary and in a psychiatric center.
The law of the child: Whether or not it is minor according to which crime commits that is judged as an adult or that it first goes to a juvenile center and when it reaches the age of majority that fulfills the sentence in its entirety.
Foreign law; Foreigner who commits a crime or a misdemeanor according to the degree of seriousness that serves a sentence and then expulsion to his / her country with the right to return according to the degree of the offense or expulsion for life. And that they withdraw all the help they receive. And if they return they meet certain conditions and not give them any help.
Inequality because many foreigners live thanks to our taxes that we pay because they charge the RGI, Cáritas, Red Cross, Social Security, maid, etc ... Free housing, free education, free clothes, free food, water, electricity and free telephone. Greater control in everything. Since if we are going to ask for some help and they look you up to what you have under the sofa and these groups do not look at them with a magnifying glass to see if they have a car, how many live, whether they work in black or not, do not pay taxes or taxes.
It is an injustice that the natives have less rights and more obligations and they without doing anything have more rights and more privileges.
So much integration you are making people become racist because of this great injustice.
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