Modify the current name of the country to the Artiguist Republic of Uruguay
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Addressed to: Chambers of the Uruguayan Parliament
At 167 years of death in Paraguayan exile in the absolute poverty of the great General José Artigas (Caraí Guazú) “great lord” in Guaraní language, “chief of the Orientals” and “protector of free peoples”, I have decided to request from my compatriots and netizens of other nations the support of this petition, intended for the legislators of all the political parties of the Uruguayan Parliament, so that a draft of constitutional reform, to plebiscitate, be elaborated, that establishes a new name for the country consisting of Artiguist Republic of Uruguay, substitute of the present Eastern Republic of Uruguay.
This petition tries to satisfy an elementary principle of justice with the supreme Eastern hero who deserves to be recognized for his unconditional surrender in defense of fundamental principles of the Free Peoples of the Plata, summarized in the following concepts: independence, republic, federation, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, respect for individual rights, resistance to oppression and freedom of trade.
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