Minimize global warming

Minimize global warming

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Minimize global warming

Addressed to: United Nations and 5 more

Greenhouse gases (GHG) are produced naturally and, although they have always been considered harmful, they are essential for the survival of human beings and other living beings, since they prevent part of the sun's heat from spreading towards space, making Earth a habitable place. However, after 150 years of industrialization, deforestation and large-scale agriculture, the amounts of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere have increased to unprecedented levels.

Let's promote the development and application of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as investing in the development of renewable energy sources, switching to cleaner fuels and improving the efficiency of combustion processes.

Let's be the generation that managed to minimize global warming, the generation that managed to stop animal abuse and simply the generation that was responsible for the care of the planet!


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Reasons for signing

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