Mandatory law for sterilization of dogs and cats, of any Mexican citizen nationwide
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: Andrés Manuel López Obrador and 2 more
Mandatory law so that every Mexican citizen has the obligation to sterilize their domestic pets, whether cats or dogs, for the simple reason that it is a never-ending job for all rescuers, animalists, who do help these living beings, there are always unfortunate cases of animal abuse, for being available and vulnerable to people of zero values and low scruples.
The only way to end this problem is to force people to sterilize their pets, not make them easy, let them out they cross, and all they do is throw the puppies in a plastic bag and trash , you can't think that that's right, this is an act of pure evil.
We must solve the underlying problem, from the base, evolve as a country, as people, as Mexicans, everything matters, nothing is minimal, everything has a place and a reason, everything must be occupied and fixed, it is not good to say that everything is well, we falter in many things as a country, and it is shameful that we occupy the 1st. Latin American place as a country with more animal abuse, this should apply nationally.
We must change the vision in which we see animals both as companions, as those that are already in the street because it was not their fault, it is not possible that they have them dying in the rabies, overcrowded, in the bones, dying in life, it seems a not to end the suffering of these beings, that if you really get to know them they are extraordinary beings.
They suffer inconceivable, painful, monstrous, depraved, Machiavellian, heartless, more evil things than ever.
Please now it's time to evolve as a country, let's change our strategy, avoid more overpopulation and if they don't comply, let people who don't do it get fined.
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