Mandatory cameras and better treatment of animals in slaughterhouses
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: Stephane Le Foll
Shocking images. A new scandal for the conditions of the slaughterhouses revealed on Tuesday, March 29 by the L214 association. A video filmed at the Mauleon slaughterhouse shows the unbearable acts of animal cruelty: improperly stunned, beaten animals, lambs butchered alive.
In response to this shocking new video showing the abuse of animals before slaughter, Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll ordered inspections in all abattoirs within a month. Controls are too uncertain and ineffective, particularly due to the downsizing! "While European laws make it mandatory to have veterinarians in slaughterhouses, including slaughter lines, and precisely define the tasks, if veterinarians had been doing their job, there would be no sanctions".
There are now very few or none. .. so it is urgent to create cameras to monitor any abuse of animals in all abattoirs since the animals come to his death!
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