Make it compulsory for all dogs to be on a lead in public areas
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: UK Government
A couple of weeks ago my cousin and I were walking our dog. As soon as we entered the field 2 lurchers off of their leads ran at us and started attacking our dog. My cousin and I were both pulled to the ground and one of the lurchers bit me (luckily only on my finger) I had to go to minor injuries and have paper stitches and antibiotics, then had to book in for a tetanus jab. My cousin had bruises all over his back and sides and our dog just had a slight limp for a couple of days. It was a very traumatic experience and I keep getting flashbacks.
We were fairly lucky, but that could have easily been a CHILD and those 2 dogs were out purely to attack.
I realize that most dogs are well behaved but I urge you to sign this petition to keep your well behaved dog safe, I know that had our dog not had her harness on we never would have got away and it could have ended up far more severe than it did.
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