Make a new Law for the protection of animals
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Government of Spain and 1 more
That the damages caused to the animals by mistreatment, the pay the abuser.
To those who really like animals and fight for their rights, we are tired of the fact that in the year 2017 are still things for the Law. I propose that from now on the abusers of these poor animals, in addition to causing them the worst trauma they can have for the rest of their life (psychological), take care of medical expenses, as well as cures, operations, rehabilitations, etc.
I set the example of the controversial case of Guimar, the abusers are all on the street and these poor animals waiting to be adopted with the consequences they require to have been used as fighting dogs. These people should pay for the rehabilitation and if necessary veterinary care they sure many of them needed and need.
For a world where society is concerned about those beings who can not speak but feel and suffer like humans.
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