Life imprisonment for Police Killers
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: Congress of the Argentine Nation
It's been a few years since killing cops has become a fashion. For criminals to kill a uniformed means that in prison will be taken as heroes and will be their flag in the few years they can give.
Today they filled the limits by killing two young policemen, leaving one more child without father or mother.
That is why we ask legislators to amend the Penal Code. We want life imprinsonment for the police killers, and that the only fact of attacking, not only to shoot if not with any element capable of taking the life is considered Qualified Homicide, instead of Simple Homicide.
The life of the agents of order and those who defend the people with their lives must come to occupy the place and importance they have, which is nothing less than their own life in defense of their neighbors.
Adriana Rearte
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