Let's take a stand on the matter, not just talk, we must take care of the animals
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Government of the State of Guanajuato and 1 more
If we do not take actions together, society and governments, every effort remains in the background, nothing can change, no matter how good our intentions. We must stop this dehumanization and promote awareness in every human being, promote respect for every living being, create alternatives, paths that lead us to live in harmony. And even if it seems like a dream, it is possible to achieve it.
In order for all of us to be able to improve the lives of animals, by respecting and protecting them, we need the Laws to be on the side of the animalists, against the abusers, and we need people to know how to report and how to deal with cases of animal abuse. To this end, we call on the Government to carry out awareness campaigns on animal rights and on their responsible ownership.
Mass castration campaigns along with awareness campaigns and joint work between law enforcement and citizens is the key to ending animal abuse.
We need everyone’s commitment!
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.