Let's save this puppy from the mistreatment of its owners!

Let's save this puppy from the mistreatment of its owners!

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Let's save this puppy from the mistreatment of its owners!

Addressed to: Huarmey Police Station

This animal is in full heat, struggling to find some shade, no water, tied up and mistreated by its owner who is not aware of the condition of his pet. This poor animal is suffering the unspeakable, it is getting worse, and I do not know how much longer it can resist living in this state of abandonment.

The poor animal is found in Griffes Eleuterio Meza, in the town of Huarmey, Ancash Region. With this petition I ask that the authorities to rescue the animal with urgency, because it is dying, since neither the Grifo managers do anything, like the authorities.

Help me save this dog!


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Reasons for signing

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