Let's save the dogs and cats from the slaughter
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Mayor of Setúbal
It's very important:
We are in the XXI Century, in which everything is evolving very well and we give examples: women's rights; Domestic violence; Discrimination in employment in the sector continues to exist: better benefits for men than women. All this has been directed by the movements to the Parliament, which has debated and approved new Laws.
Because I think it is important that people sign this petition: my goal is to force the Decree Law that is already in force, but they are not yet enforcing it. Will it be in 2018? If taken literally, the indiscriminate and senseless killings of dogs and cats will be prohibited.
But we live in constant affliction by all the cases that come to my mail and Facebook and by all those who fight in the defense of animals: I implore everyone to sign this petition so that in a very short future we can be proud of having contributed to our animals have owners and Municipal Chambers to the height of the love that they give us. That is why I ask with this petition that this Decree Law that came into force, begin to govern as soon as possible. No to the slaughter of stray animals.
We are a people who always know how to defend a just cause, and this is it (beyond just being urgent).
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.