Let's save the Avellaneda Park
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Government of the City of Buenos Aires
The Avellaneda Park is one of the largest in the city. It is not possible that it suffers from the following problems:
1) Precarious houses have been installed for months under the bridge that crosses Remedios Street. Complaints have already been made, inspectors have been presented and everything remains the same.
2) lately we have been working in the green space, planting trees, grass, plants, etc. On weekdays at noon and afternoon, hundreds of children and young people play football, destroying everything and nobody takes action.
3) children and young people consume alcoholic beverages and other things, without park staff, guards, taking measures.
4) dog walkers, they enter the park with a number of dogs (it is forbidden), leaving them to defecate in the same place that the children of the kindergartens that visit the place later played.
5) It is forbidden to enter motorcycles in the park, they enter, run races, circulate at high speeds, being a great risk for people who walk through the area.
6) large number of trees are found with large holes in their trunks and also badly pruned, of course the trees are of an important antiquity and have great historical value, instead of healing their wounds, they prefer that they rot.
7) months ago they removed many sculptures made years ago by famous professionals, with the excuse of repairing them, to date it has not returned any.
8) Saturdays and Sundays, on Av. Lacarra and Av. Directorio, a fair is established, it does not respect the green space since they camp on it, destroying the work done and especially the lawn, leaving when the Sundays, dirt of all kinds, from food, papers, etc.
9) already a few months ago, a service company, ditched the path from Av. Lacarra, by Av. Directorio, to Fernández, the ditches were poorly sealed and to date, although all kinds of claims were made to the Gov . of the City, CGPC 9, etc. They have not been repaired, being a latent danger for the people that must transit through the place, attentive that is where the buses stop.
10) for years the lights of the Avellaneda Park have been repaired and only the neighbors are making fun of the issue, aware that there is no solution to the issue, every day there is a line of different lights off.
11) at night, the park is no man's land, there is no continuous surveillance.
12) returning to the problems of the paths of the Avellaneda Park. As much as it has been denounced the existing danger of the roots of the trees that protrude from the floor, in some cases between 10 and 15 cm, they are not given a solution, it is more in one of the last great storms, a tremendous fell tree on a collective, too, because its roots are not covered.
13) as I mentioned earlier, as the park does not have guards, at night it is invaded by people who get drunk, sleep in banks, insult those who pass through the place and at the end it is a permanent risk.
14) we do not understand, that having made complaints, that behind the Health Center (CeSaC) that is inside the Park (Av. Directorio and Fernández) during the day and night, sleep, defecate. orinen, etc., people, garbage collectors, collecting waste and we have seen more bathing, semi-naked and making obscene exhibitions, on Saturdays and Sundays, in the afternoon, in front of children who play a few meters.
15) we wish to emphasize that we resort many times to the police of the area, Police station 40, where the commissioners do what they can, but due to other obligations and orders, they do not manage to be permanently in the place.
16) in all the posts of the Avellaneda Park, there are signs about the existence of security cameras, since they must be very well concealed, for years, since there was never any,
We request, therefore, that the Govt. of the City, take action on the matter since each day that passes the situation degenerates more.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.