Let's save our dogs, God's creation, abandoned by their own owners as objects
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: President Michelle Bachelet
Because they are living beings, and feel pain, cold, hunger and abandonment, neglect, on the part of human beings. And the overpopulation that exists is that inert and indolent human being, lacking in judgment and conscience, which therefore does not measure the consequences of their actions. Let us help to avoid the suffering and diseases that afflict them by abandonment and animal abuse.
We need to punish harshly the abandonment of animals, because it is the genesis of all their suffering, because from then on the animals multiply and more and more are suffering all these evils. Abandonment, ill-treatment, cold, hunger, thirst, so the lives of stray animals spend their lives, and we must speak for them to avoid this.
Laws, castrations, punishment of the guilty, these are the things we need today, these are the things that we must ask our government, to end the long night of stray animals and to have a dignified life as they deserve.
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