Let's help the little stray animals

Let's help the little stray animals

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Let's help the little stray animals

Addressed to: Municipality of Córdoba

Are we supportive? This is an opportunity to prove it! They deserve to do something for THEM! There are many two-legged people who walk down the street in total abandonment, suffering hunger, cold, indifference, PLEASE SAVE THEM!

The city of Cordoba is full of abandoned animals that are sick, they are beaten, we have even witnessed animals that have been hung from the bridges to kill them. Animals suffer the indifference of all who do not do what they can to get them out of this situation of abandonment.

Please, I urge everyone to pressure the Municipality of the City of Cordoba to build at least one shelter for abandoned animals where they can be vaccinated, fed, castrated and given for adoption.

We can all save them!


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Reasons for signing

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