Let's help and nurture the abandoned cats living around the apartments, garbage, in the streets

Let's help and nurture the abandoned cats living around the apartments, garbage, in the streets

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Let's help and nurture the abandoned cats living around the apartments, garbage, in the streets

Addressed to: Government of Mexico

There are multitudes of abandoned kittens around each city, they multiply a lot so there is a huge population of them.

We must sign to have FREE Neuter Programs for all abandoned cats to achieve a balance able to support and feed these cute cats. Also, cats exterminate pests like rats that often bring diseases and dirt.

If we unite in solidarity to provide all these kittens that live around our apartments, houses, restaurants, fuel, etc., a better chance and catch them to give them in adoption in the Communities and / or Veterinary in charge of the birth control of all this animals, take care of them, giving them medical attention and food; and if this is not possible, those who are not adopted we must give them an opportunity to dignified, respectable and loving life leaving them in our around our houses and apartments and achieve PERMISSION from the owners of the Apartments to feed them daily with the help of each family or Government itself in each city.

Cats are a clean, harmless to human caring community and need a lot of love and care of human beings. They have no voice to ask for help but obviously stray cats suffer much under the weather and some people do not care.

If everyone cooperate and put a little effort, love and compassion for them we would not have so many abandoned cats suffering from hunger, thirst, heat or cold on the outskirts of the streets. :-(


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