Let's avoid the Colombian tax reform

Let's avoid the Colombian tax reform

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Let's avoid the Colombian tax reform

Addressed to: Congress of Colombia

National Call to the Congress of Colombia not to vote the conciliation of the Tax Reform


In my capacity as Senator of the Republic, I call on all citizens of Colombia to speak publicly through all possible means, whether through social networks, the media, bulletins, communications, in order , Mobilizing in any way that it deems necessary to demand from the plenary of the House of Representatives and Senate of the Republic, DO NOT VOTE the definitive conciliation of the draft Law 163 of 2016 SENATE, 178 of 2016 Chamber, which orders the most aggressive and violent Tax Reform of the last 15 years against the Colombian people, ordered by the Government of President Santos and led by its Minister of Finance, Mauricio Cárdenas. We are still in time to prevent the final adoption of this bill, avoiding its conciliation in Congress.

It can not be that the Colombians receive from our Congress such a paquetazo against the economy of the homes and against the wages of the workers and pensioners increasing regressive taxes like the VAT and the consumption tax of 16% to 19% for the oil of Cooking, housing, leases, allowances, remittances, transportation, motorcycles, family basket, food, fuels, cell phones, WhatsApp chats, internet, pensions, fees, shops Neighborhoods, hairdressers, milk, plastic bags, sanitary towels, soda, beer, chocolate .. in short, 113 of the 135 products of the basic basket stuck with this reform and this are added the most elemental Services demanded by the population while in the same reform the privileges of big capital are maintained and expanded, the income tax and the profit of the big industrialists are reduced by 10% to So much that small and medium enterprise is punished, it protects and favors to the investors, the big hoteliers, importers, constructors, bankers, contractors of the State, financial speculators in a rush that will corner the wage earners of Colombia and the class Average at a critical moment in which a peace process is proposed for the country.

The Congress of Colombia has to understand that it can not legislate against the people of Colombia who chose it and that it can not hide this December 28 in the National Capitol behind the Christmas lights of the Plaza de Bolivar and to force the wage earners and their Families to pay the fiscal crisis of the State, which only in the next year will cost the Colombian families 8 billion pesos additional in taxes that added the next 5 years could be in total 60 trillion pesos from the Most unprotected contributors; While attending the fair of mega projects, concessions, free zones, gratin contracts and worst of all is that this reform does not guarantee at all that the chaotic situation of our health system, one of the worst welfare systems Of the world nor to rescue the model of public education nor to avoid the humanitarian disaster of our children who die of hunger in total state of abandonment in the regions of our country.

We demand from each of our representatives to the House and our Senators that they do not allow such a catastrophe called Tax Reform to happen and that the conciliation of the project is not voted on Wednesday, December 28; Can not pass this reform in the midst of the storm of the new year, demand respect for ourselves and make RESPECT our families and their future. It remains in our hands to prevent our Congress from reconciling such aggression against Colombia.

We are 47 million Colombians that we can knock down if we want, the Tax Reform, pronouncing against it because WE KNOCK EVERYONE. WE ACT NOW! WE TAKE TAX REFORM WE CAN ALSO


Senator Alexander Lopez Maya


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

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