Legislate so that if a Civil Servant Wants to Run for Another Elected Office Must "Resign"

Legislate so that if a Civil Servant Wants to Run for Another Elected Office Must "Resign"

people signed. Let's get to 250!

Legislate so that if a Civil Servant Wants to Run for Another Elected Office Must "Resign"

Addressed to: Chamber of Deputies of the Mexican Congress

Many elected officials that are exercising their charge want to be candidates or other charges, and in many cases only ask leave with pay. If they want to sacrifice for the people, do it well, without pay their campaign expenses with public funds.

We need politicians who work for the people and not for themselves. If they want to run for another office while they are in exercise of their public duties, first they have to resign first.

They must pay their own political campaigns.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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