Laws and rules for not having pets in mechanical workshops
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: PROFEPA and 1 more
Hello! My name is Daniella Espinoza, I request your support and signature so that rules can be implemented in order to be able to denounce all those people or in your case "Local" that have "Pets" inside Mechanical Workshops. We need the Authorities to contribute with Animal Control and the citizenship to be the voice to denounce all these people.
Create awareness in society that the life of any puppy is important. The life of a dog inside a mechanic's workshop is to be exposed to the sun, to the cold, it is to be tied up for the comfort of the owners or in its case to remain in the roof of said workshop or premises, it is not to be able to play, to run, and expose the skin of the dog by the different chemicals that are used in those places.
If you have seen something like this or a worse situation, sign!
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