Law in Chile to punish anyone who mistreats an animal

Law in Chile to punish anyone who mistreats an animal

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Law in Chile to punish anyone who mistreats an animal

Addressed to: President of Chile Michelle Bachelet

Because in Chile there is much animal abuse but nobody does anything, and poor animals are not to blame for people being so cruel to them. The few Laws that are not enough, serve neither the fines nor the short time in prison that can pass the few that are condemned.

In this year we have witnessed the cases of several stray animals that have been killed by horrible people who detest the animals. These people probably will not go to jail and just have to pay a fine for this. Every time I see a case like that I want the Laws of this country to be changed, that these people go to prison for a long time.

Let's change the Laws against animal abuse in Chile. I ask you to sign for all the animals that have suffered.


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Reasons for signing

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