Justice to the cat that was tied and dragged by a car in Chimbote
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Addressed to: National Police of Peru
Good morning, in these times it is seen that cruelty against animals is increasing, and justice in our country does not pronounce on these cases of animal abuse, it is necessary that they formulate Laws that punish harshly those who mistreat animals; I believe that if a person has anger against an animal, he will act in the same way against a human being.
My petition is generated by this act of cruelty that has been seen yesterday by thousands of Facebook users, since yesterday 02/05/2017 at 23:29 hrs. The Diario La República published this note of mistreatment against a cat that was dragged by a car in Chimbote:
"The cruelty of people has no limit," a man tied a cat to one of the rearview mirrors of his car and dragged him for several blocks until he died, and the animal, which fought for several minutes for his life, , To the sadistic laughter of the driver, who - apparently - enjoyed watching the poor animal die.
The events were recorded in the hours of Monday morning in the district of José Leonardo Ortiz (region Lambayeque), when the driver, who was next to one of his friends, caught the cat, tied him on one of his legs and then Turned the other end to one of the mirrors and began their psycho fun.
The cat, as soon as it started the car of plate H1K-475 wanted to be released, but it did not obtain and it had a terrible death.
The laughter and celebrations of the driver and his friend ceased when they saw that the witnesses took pictures of them and made videos of their crime.
These facts show a new case of animal abuse, so it is expected that the agents of the police station of Leonardo Ortiz and Atusparia seek the subject and have him pay for his crime. "
Source: http://larepublica.pe/sociedad/871572-sujeto-ato-un-gato-su-auto-y-lo-arrastro-asta-ocasionarle-de-muerte
According to the vehicle consultation at SUNARP, the owner of the vehicle of plate H1K - 475, color BLUE BLUEBELL, brand CHEVROLET, model SPARK LITE, located in CHIMBOTE, belongs to Humberto Soriano Torres.
It is necessary that this subject be captured, and that justice be done to the cat that cruelly killed.
And that is what we want the society of our country to punish these indolent people to the suffering of a living being, who feels and should have the same rights as any living being, that of living.
That justice be done to this animal and to all those who have been mistreated in our country and the world.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.