Justice! Stop killing dogs, cats and other species

Justice! Stop killing dogs, cats and other species

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Justice! Stop killing dogs, cats and other species

Addressed to: Government of China

First, it is important, because of them we are in a global pandemic and they continue to eat, martyr and killing animals that are not for human consumption. They are harming us all and it goes against everything we love and care for and treat as children, our pets. It is painful and outrageous to see this.

Enough animal cruelty and enough to harm humanity, they are a plague like a locust, a predator for humanity. They infiltrate everywhere and prey. Let this end, let us unite so that this is definitively prohibited, because it is not from hunger, this is pure evil.

They only brought misfortune, grief, disease and suffering to the entire planet. All doors must be closed to them so that they can return to their town and become good people.


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Reasons for signing

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