Justice for this puppy beaten. Comply with the Animal Abuse Law generated in Colombia

Justice for this puppy beaten. Comply with the Animal Abuse Law generated in Colombia

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Justice for this puppy beaten. Comply with the Animal Abuse Law generated in Colombia

Addressed to: Colombian Environmental Police

In the town of Guacarí - Valle del Cauca, a degenerate tortured a 4 months puppy because he was lying on the sidewalk of the parking lot. It caused him serious problems and he broke his teeth. At this moment they have it in the clinic, but it is very decayed and we do not know if it will improve.

I want this degenerate to have to answer to Justice for violating the Law of Animal Abuse, which is what it is for, to defend the animals of people like this.

Please, nobody does anything, I ask you to help me to do justice!


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