Investigate the death of the dog named Negro

Investigate the death of the dog named Negro

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Investigate the death of the dog named Negro

Addressed to: Border Chief of Carabineros

I want to investigate the death of Negrito in the Integrated Complex of Colchane. Negro was a dog known by the officials who work in this complex, was well liked by many people in the complex and outside it, died in the course of the dawn on Thursday, April 5, 2018.

He was found dead in the same complex, in the truck platform sector, being found by several drivers who gave notice. Some people say that he died of cold, if he died of cold would not be bleeding for a snout, he had no signs of having been beaten.

I ask the competent authorities to investigate the case, as the complex maintains cameras in the surroundings of the complex and truck sector. I want justice done for the death of a donkey that is buried within the perimeter of the complex.


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