Intervene in the Restrepo neighborhood, exactly Plaza Mercado Restrepo, Address Cra. 19 # 19B-16
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Institute of Animal Protection and 1 more
It is the place where the biggest sale of animals of domestic and wild fauna of Bogota is lodged. Without lying, 40% of these animals are in precarious conditions, most of them sick, they show malnutrition, dehydration and have parasites. These animals in general are in very deplorable conditions. Although sometimes there is presence of the authorities and that the Law against animal abuse governs, I do not understand why they do not appear to solve these cases.
It is not fair that these ignorant people continue living at the ribs of these defenseless animals. It is considered cruel any deprivation of air, light, food, movement, sufficient space, shelter, hygiene or cleanliness, in the case of captive animal, confined, domestic or not, which causes serious damage or death. So I ask that the corresponding authorities come to this site and help these animals, it is really disappointing the conditions in which they have them.
Thank you.
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