Inspect all driving schools in Seville that in their vast majority extort and violate the rights

Inspect all driving schools in Seville that in their vast majority extort and violate the rights

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Inspect all driving schools in Seville that in their vast majority extort and violate the rights

Addressed to: General direction of traffic and 1 more

Important! Because in the vast majority of Sevillian driving schools workers’ rights are violated, where they work with contracts of 2 and 4 hours and at 5 € an hour, working all day, and where they have to beg for payment.

It is known to understand that in driving schools with 2 to 5 teachers has a turnover to pay with dignity. This is a widespread practice among mercenaries and it is time they suffered the scourge of justice and provoke a domino effect.

I ask for justice for all workers who are violated labor rights.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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