Incorporation of the profession of independent tourist guides to the TCP
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Ministry of Labor and Social Security
We are a group that can provide a specific and differentiated service to the client. We have the immense pride of being Cubans. We are supported by the syncretism of our culture and cheerful, friendly and supportive idiosyncrasies. We have indistinctly enjoyed a privileged instruction, which has allowed us to learn both about our beautiful history and about the exclusive one of our nature. As well as the mastery of specific skills of a tour guide, including knowledge of languages.
The question of why we simply do not include ourselves in state tourism bags can be summarized in this way, we prefer to offer other types of tours and more dynamic experiences that the classic state service does not offer. The activity can be linked to hospitality, crafts, dance, agriculture, etc. Therefore it is not an activity necessarily to be carried out full time.
As is known, independent tourism is very favorable, for example the interest of clients to know specific things and have a guide for their family and for their small group. Other clients refuse contact with large groups and prefer the independent as it offers a more natural service, which, realistically, most clients know how to differentiate and is often the type of market they want to pay for. The state infrastructure lacks the possibilities to go more closely to the needs of small groups of clients. We can.
The media and digital platforms are an open door in our favor, an advantage that large branches use but due to the great demand they have, they cannot give individual treatment to each of their clients from scratch.
Our contribution to the largest economic branch in our country benefits us all as long as it is done in a professional and legal way, a point on which the guides who make this proposal really agree.
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