In these facilities the dogs are in poor condition, are indiscriminately slaughtered, die of hypothermia, etc.
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Animal Health Center in Ciudad Guzmán
At the Animal Health Center of Ciudad Guzman, dogs are in poor condition, are indiscriminately slaughtered, die of hypothermia because they are not cared for by the inclemency of the weather, are mistreated and are not well fed.
It is important for me and the volunteers to be able to notice a change in our city, a place where animals do not have to be slaughtered indiscriminately, on the contrary, they are given opportunities for adoptions.
The power to make animal abuse lessened at the same time that our conscience increases so we can give them a sheltered and warm place where they do not go cold and die.
This change will change our values and give the animals a better life.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.