Impose several years of imprisonment and payment of fines to animal abusers

Impose several years of imprisonment and payment of fines to animal abusers

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Impose several years of imprisonment and payment of fines to animal abusers

Addressed to: Congress of the Argentine Nation

Because all animals have the right to life like humans, and damn humans do with them what they want. They punish them, they poison them, they mistreat them, they throw them in the trash and so I could write ten thousand more things. For all these reasons, we must fight to end animal abuse with imprisonment and heavy fines for the guilty.

Enough of human evil, respect the animals that are better than us, because they teach us to live and that they do no harm to anyone besides never leaving us aside!

I propose that a new, much tougher Law be written to punish mistreatment of animals.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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