Impose free spay and neuter, shelter to save them, not kill them and educate people about having pets

Impose free spay and neuter, shelter to save them, not kill them and educate people about having pets

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Impose free spay and neuter, shelter to save them, not kill them and educate people about having pets

Addressed to: Govenment of Phillipines and 2 more

We need this to minimize unwanted litter so that all the people can have more time to care for their pet such as cats, dogs, etc. Unwanted litter will result to abandon, neglecting or not be able to feed them, later on leave them wonder on the street without food and shelter and to educate all people about having a pet, their responsibilities, or can they be able to feed them and give them a forever home.

Put shelter for this animals and future adoption. This animals need our help and co-exist, and to have animal welfare Act/ Law (abusing animal), to make them impose this law to people.

Let this law be a criminal law subject to a life time imprisonment.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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