Implementation of the SDDR System (system of devolution and return in exchange for the amount of the container)

Implementation of the SDDR System (system of devolution and return in exchange for the amount of the container)

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Implementation of the SDDR System (system of devolution and return in exchange for the amount of the container)

Addressed to: Ministry of the Environment

The Deposit, Devolution and Return System (SDDR), commonly known as the Return Packaging System, is a clean and pedagogical way of recycling. One of the premises that it has is the power that has the refund of the amount. The seas and oceans are full of plastic and landfills are no longer an option.

In the past our seas and oceans had fish then there were fish and some plastic, now there is plastic and some fish, we are in time to reverse the situation, signature.


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Reasons for signing

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