Implement a Law to punish as a crime to run over and abandon animals on the street without assisting them
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia
It is important because we must make people aware that an animal is not an object that you get bored and boots. Having a pet includes being responsible for that animal, treating it with respect, feeding it and providing veterinary care such as vaccines, controls, and so on.
As for the abuse of dogs, it is important to help them, since many people after hitting the animals escape and let the animal die, that is very sad and unfair. That is why a Law condemning people who run over and abandon an animal is so necessary, we must end these cases of hit and run. How many animals could be saved if they were taken care of after the accident instead of being thrown away?
One can accidentally run over an animal, but leaving the animal it is a decision that the person takes, and that decision has to be taken to jail. Let us not give up more so that they die on the roads and the streets.
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