I would like the money from the fines to be used to make shelters and give help to street animals

I would like the money from the fines to be used to make shelters and give help to street animals

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

I would like the money from the fines to be used to make shelters and give help to street animals

Addressed to: Gobierno de San Luis Potosí and 2 more

Stray animals are also living beings and they feel cold, hot, hungry, they get wet when it rains and the sun burns them. The money from the fines should be used to improve their lives, it would be very useful to them and it would be very helpful. It is the best way to use that money, instead of spending it on unnecessary things.

Please sign so that these animals can find a roof, can finally eat well and have good health, and above all so that they can find a family that really loves them.


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Reasons for signing

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