I want the money back with interest, as they charge us

I want the money back with interest, as they charge us

people signed. Let's get to 1,000!

I want the money back with interest, as they charge us

Addressed to: Judicial Power of Brazil

Let politicians know that they have to give an account of everything they spend, because they are serving the people who pay them.

They have to start knowing that if they do not do the right thing they will fall, and they can only be chosen once, because that business of being able to choose the same politician several times should not be legal.

We Brazilians have to have an attitude and stop thinking about Carnival, parties and football.

We are going to unite and stand up in Brazil, and not allow strangers to take our country of assault, which is what is happening under the table, let’s reflect.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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