I want a more serious punishment and that he pay the consultation, medication and food to the dog that he stabbed
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: High Court of Justice
We want to punish the man who committed the madness of stabbing an innocent little dog who was sleeping in the street. The penalties for animal mistreatment should not be so slight and tolerable, that for each animal victim of abuse, the person who committed the act must pay with a minimum wage to the animal protection institution that collect the abused animal.
We can not allow these people to pay only a small fine for these terrible crimes. But we also do not have to allow these people to cost the state money that could be used to care for animals in the shelters. That is why I ask that anyone who maltreats an animal should also pay for their care, medicines and food for as long as the animal is in recovery, beyond the fine that pays for the event itself.
We want these people to go to jail, we do not allow more abuses without punishment.
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