I ask the Governor of our State for a public veterinary hospital!
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Governor of Espírito Santo Renato Casagrande and 1 more
I participate in some groups of animals in my State. And I help some rescued animals and some shelters! We are living a situation in our State of a lot of cruelty against animals and we have no public place that can help these animals! We are a group of desperate people because we no longer know how to help these animals. We do not have any help from any public power.
Animals beaten, wounded, run over and sick! Street animals and animal owners without financial conditions to help the animals themselves.
Procreation of animals without control: causing a large number of abandoned animals in the streets of the city of Vitoria.
Independent protectors: super flat and without rations and without financial conditions to carry in private veterinary clinics.
It is exasperating and distressing!
Gratitude to all who embrace the animal cause!
Together we are strong and we are going to get a public veterinary hospital!
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.