I am a rescuer just like my daughter and other friends, and we need adoption campaigns!
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Municipality of Mérida Yucatán
I am in the City of Mérida, Yucatan, and with my daughter and some friends we help stray and stray dogs, taking them home, curing them, bathing them, feeding them, and when we take their Facebook photos for their owners, no one answers!
The places already installed for it, which receive money from the Government, tell us that they have no place. We already have 18 animals rescued and my friends out there too.
We need to give for adoption the rescued animals that we all have, including the shelters maintained by the Government, so that people help us by adopting and we can continue to help those who have no voice. For this we want and we ask the Municipality of Mérida Yucatán to allocate funds so that the animals rescued in the media are made known, and that meetings are held for adoption.
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