Help stray animals through 10 steps that involve the whole society in the defense of animals
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Senate of Brazil
I would earnestly ask for the help of all of you to send my project to eradicate the population of stray animals in Brazil. My project includes ten measures that involve the whole society in solving the problem of strays, with the participation of the State, the private sector and the entire population in the solution of this problem that afflicts and embarrasses our society.
Street animals can be seen as a matter of public health and well-being, because they transmit diseases to healthy animals, cause discomfort to people, either because of the commotion of those who love and want to protect them, or those who have Anger, fear, etc. . On the other hand, stray animals are more likely to be victims of abuse and since Law No. 9605/98 was promulgated, leaving the stray animals to their fate, it is also a form of abuse and the state should be responsible for the same.
The 10 steps that will help reduce neglect and mistreatment of pets:
Ten steps to solve the problem of abandoned animals in Brazil:
1- Participation of the Municipalities with logistical support in the cause of the abandoned animal.
2- Participation of the private sector with financial support.
3- The logistical support of the Municipalities can be made through the service of Zoonoses that would make the payment, the registry of all the abandoned animals, something like the kennels in the USA, as well as the creation of shelters for stray animals and victims of abuse. These shelters, in turn, will be in charge of Zoonoses and paid for by the municipalities, this cost can be withdrawn from a part of the health and environmental budget, since abandoned animals is a public health problem and environment.
4 - The financial support of the private sector can be done in the form of food donations, costing veterinary procedures for animals in need, for example, a clinic can offer a free day a month to meet needy animals, a company can give its space To house needy animals, etc.
5 - This private sector support should be encouraged by offering a discount of up to a maximum of 15 or 20% of property tax of these companies and for those who give shelter, collect, help, etc. Abandoned animals, such a discount, would be a form of compensation, whether natural or legal persons, that in any way help to eradicate the population of stray animals.
6- The city must call the register of all the owners of animals to place a microchip and with plates containing the name of the animal and the address of the owner of the animal, this register should be mandatory. Any animal found without a license and a microchip will be rescued, treated and subsequently duly registered in a database, a database which, in turn, will serve to identify animals already registered and found on the street, Owner may ask for clarification.
7- This register must be mandatory also for the animals of NGOs, pet stores, etc. And anyone who has animals in their care. An animal can only be sold or gifted if it has been correctly identified with microchip and identification of plates, the microchip is for the rescued animals are identified in the database and their owners find them and can explain why the animal are found In a situation of abandonment, and the plaque is for anyone who finds this animal can communicate with the owner directly, which facilitates the work of the city government and NGOs and the owner himself.
8- The city must join all entities, all individuals, whether physical or legal, to enroll in the program to eradicate abandoned animals, so that if these people do not meet the requirements of the program, they are obliged To reimburse the public coffers and punished according to the Law.
9- The Municipality should monitor, albeit sporadically, all individuals, whether individuals or companies, all NGOs registered in the street animal eradication program, such monitoring should be performed by the Zoonoses services and once detected irregularities , That the person is natural or legal persons, and NGOs should provide information and be deprived of their benefits, in turn, people will be able to supervise the Zoonoses service in your city.
10- The municipalities will promote campaigns for the adoption of animals, awareness of the need to be careful and to give dignity to the animals, supervise the NGOs, the pet stores, the cattlemen, and sanction everything is any that mistreats animals.
Note 1: Why use the microchip and identification of the plates at the same time? The microchip is placed subcutaneously, and a more complete record of the animal, age, sex, race, health problem, whether it was adopted, purchased, where it was adopted and purchased or, and proprietary information, Type, name, identification, social security number, address, telephone, profession, other contact numbers, in short, a more complete record of the animal and its owner, which can facilitate identification of the animal and its owner to be Rescued by the city or an NGO, which has the microchip reader, the microchip is placed subcutaneously and can only be removed surgically, which makes it difficult to withdraw in case of theft and in case of abandonment by the owner. The medal facilitates the rescue of the animal when it is lost from home, so anyone who finds the animal can identify it and contact the owner directly by phone.
Note 2: Having a pet at home is a big step, the person willing to buy or adopt a pet should be aware of their duties, and that from then on that animal is their responsibility and the physical or psychological damages caused to this Animal, must be prosecuted according to the criteria of the Law. Of course, there are exceptions, a person who has an animal under his responsibility, but for some reason has to get rid of it, should seek an NGO or city submit their Justification for not being able to stay with the animal and let the animal under the responsibility of an appropriate institution, this justification however should be evaluated and the owner should be encouraged to stay with his pet.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.